Friday, November 26, 2010

At the Farm

 A study of a cockerel ...I  have been watching Jean Haines paint so many of them and I used to think, what's so special about these cockerels? But painting one myself was a revelation! I did  this one and then went on to paint another set immediately afterwards....there's something about them-I loved splashing color all around ( In case you are squinting to find some here,wait for my next post!)
BTW, I took this one after a photo of Sandy, another blogger friend. But for the second, I didn't need  a reference.I guess that's what I loved about this subject!


  1. Lot’s of personality. Not so different then us humans, just more colorful. Looks like fun.

  2. this is a beautiful painting Arti !
    I think that you can paint everything: animals, portraits....
    it's always so nice !!

  3. Very nicely done, Arti. Have a great weekend.

  4. Very good painting, Arti. I like especially the intensity of the gaze, almost a falcon's. Congrats.

  5. Beautiful painting. Like the title & the back ground of this painting.

  6. When I saw this I thought of Jean Haines. This is really good. Waiting for the second one.

  7. Thank you Tony, Marty, Carol, D.D., Albert and Prabal.Hope you like the next one,too:)

  8. Ohh you did a gorgeous job. I love it! love it.

  9. Whenever i see the post like your’s i feel that there are helpful people who share information for the help of others, it must be helpful for other’s. thanx and good job.
