Saturday, January 19, 2013

Tough Life

"Tough Life"
Graphite pencil on paper A 3 size
My first pencil drawing of 2013! I have been working on it for last 10-12 days..completed a day ago.It was a photograph of a small time iron smith from India, taken by my friend Vikram. I liked the way this man's tough life reflects on his face. It took me about 32 hours to complete this piece, but I am happy that it came out well.


  1. You're absolutely amazing, Arti!! This portrait is perfectly drawn!!! It looks like a photograph! I LOVE IT! Congratulations on this one!

    1. Oh thank you so much, Hilda; I am just trying to be more and more thorough with details.I am still not using white for highlights, may be I should.

  2. So realistic Arti! I love the way you captured the expression on the mans face. Wonderful job:)

  3. Wonderful drawing. So much patience.. I couldn’t be this disciplined.

    1. Thank you, Tony.It does require a bit of patience and discipline- but I work only an hour or two at a time, going inch by inch.When you see something good taking shape, you want to finish the whole thing as soon as possible- and that is the motivation..the final result!

  4. Brilliant work, Arti! He really does have a fascinating face.

    1. Thank you,Kathryn,now you know why I took so much time for this drawing!I did not cut corners with detail this time :)

  5. Thank you Prabha, I am loving your daily portraits,too.
    I had to spend a lot of time for his 'mooch', it had to be done in layers and then erased finely for white hair!I am not using white as of now,but thinking of it, for some highlights.

  6. Your pencil pieces are always my favorites, Arti. This is just phenomenal. I love the life lived in his face too. And that small smile.

    1. Thank you Sherry,pencil work is tough but once its complete, it feels worth the time and effort.

  7. This is absolutely remarkable!
    Your pencil work is just wonderful :0)

  8. you r simply the master of pencil sketch.. brilliant.
