Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Baby Elephant and Snow Leopard- two sides of a coin!

Latest watercolor, I can't get over these baby elephants.Painted with just blue, magenta and transparent yellow...and a lot of water!I know have been slipping up again;September being a busy month with some guests coming over to stay plus my exhibition in Winchester still running.
I have been painting a lot, just not uploading here! 

Last week I painted a different portrait- fierce and mighty this time:  


I have not been finishing any figurative paintings involving people lately...two or three of them are lying around at two-third stage...just waiting to be completed.One chucked into the bin...Its a strange feeling, when you are totally unhappy with a work but can not say why!With animal paintings at least I am hardly ever stuck..they flow quite smoothly.


  1. Those are stunning paintings! I'm so glad you're having success. You deserve it.

  2. That is too beautiful Arti. You can explore and sell these paintings.
