Tuesday, December 29, 2009


I hope all of you had a great Christmas..as I send out my heartiest wishes for the coming new year to all my blogger friends,I couldn't resist adding a bit of color to it! I did it some days ago--not planned, I just let the colors flow on the paper.I could see many imperfections in this and wasn't sure I wanted to post this but it always gives me a warm feeling when I share an artwork with you and on this new year , I certainly want to feel all warm and fuzzy!
Lets usher in this new year with the sweetest thoughts, lots of love and happiness for all.


  1. Wonderful painting. Love the colors. Thanks you for all the wonderful comments this year.
    Wishing you a wonderful New Year

  2. Wow, beautiful! Fresh, flowing, colorful - and looks like some miskit flowed through it???

  3. Even with some imperfections, as you said, this painting is very beautiful!! The subject is the right one to finish the old year and start the new one! Happy New Year, Arti, to you and to your family!! Ciao, Tito.

  4. you have explained warm colorscheme and ist good, probably those broken lines could have been avoided to give more meeing to title. wish you colorful 2010

  5. I think this is just stunning, Arti. Great colors!

  6. wonderful painting. I see no imperfections. simply beautiful! thank you for the New Year wishes and the same to you!! a very blessed New Year!

  7. Everyone interprets art in his or her own way! Some find it imperfect, some love those imperfections!What matters is that the artist must enjoy creating that art, which you did Arti!
    Wishing you a very happy new year :)

  8. this is just beautiful, Arti. Wonderfully executed.
    Happy New Year and may God bless you and yours in 2010.
    Keep up the great art work.

  9. Hi Arti,
    Is great looks like an angel trying to delight her listener! Vivid vib5ant colors! Happy New Year to You and Family.

  10. Thank you Money, Anthony, Doreen, AL, Gary Deb, Ajay, Ramesh and Mariano..Its been a great year for me as I made friends with so many wonderful people.Happy new year to all of you!

  11. Deb, you are right..I was impressed byyour miskit work and tried it myself:)

  12. Mariano, you have been a great inspiration.Thanks for being a friend; wish you a very happy new year.

  13. Wooow!! Is this painting magic!!It gives the warmth you wish for us all dear Arti! I can feel it!. I also wish you the best for this New Year and look forward to you wonderful paintings throughout the year :-)

  14. Class Art Arti.

    Happy new year...Thomas

  15. What a gorgeous painting - such wonderful colours - you achieved that warm fuzzy feeling with this one Arti!

  16. Thank you very much, Anna, Thomas and Liz..wish you a very happy new year!

  17. Beautiful painting !!! I love the colours to much !!!
    Thank you for all the wonderful comments to my posts !!!
